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Believers in Community for Fellowship, Worship, Study and Service

We welcome the Holy Spirit...and you... and bring glory to His name in the barn.


The materials above are written in a very elementary style to enable understanding for everyone (even for some children).

This name was given to us some time ago for a ministry we have just begun to "activate."  It is about discovering our individual Holy Spirit gifts, understanding what they are and how to use them in the Body of Christ.  We just completed a class we called "Holy Spirit 101" with several hours of instruction, a spiritual gifts test, and hours of laying on of hands to release the gifts in each other.  If you are interested in these tools, we are posting the class workbook here in PDF format. The workbook contains the Spiritual Gifts Test (pp 61-80), but the test alone is also posted here (CLICK ON LINKS TO THE LEFT HERE).  We encourage you to read and apply what you learn.  All Spiritual Gifts are important and critical to the Body in these times. Feel free to print and use as God directs.


WORSHIP:  Fridays, 6:00 pm

Fellowship and Potluck begins at 6:00 pm.  Worship generally begins at 7:00 pm and is sometimes over at 8:30 pm and sometimes much later under the direction of the

Holy Spirit.

STUDY:  Thursdays, 6:00 pm

Bible Study begins at 6:00 pm and is generally over between 7:30 and 8:00 pm

(no food/meal)


Many of our worship services, and study sessions are on video and can be found by clicking on the button below


We practice meeting the needs of those in our community.  We also like to keep one another informed of activities.  This is a community "bulletin board" of sorts where we post events, needs, etc.  If you would like to post something, send us an email explaining by clicking the button below.

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